MGM Tutoring

About Us

Dr. Madeleine Gardner

Dr. Madeleine Gardner


Dr. Madeleine “Lynn” Gardner is the MG of MGM Tutoring. She has taught high school mathematics for 34 years and has taught in college for 9 years. She is currently a professor at George Mason University where she teaches Advanced Methods of Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools. She is also a supervisor of student teachers and teaches a workshop on the Praxis as well as workshops on classroom management.

Dr. Gardner was born in Albany, New York and received her bachelor’s degree from St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York. She holds a master’s degree from the State University of New York at Albany and a doctorate in mathematics from Virginia Tech.

Her workbook, Praxis Made Easy, is being used at over 100 colleges in 30 states that require the Praxis. Dr. Gardner is also providing technical and analytical support to the Reading Across the Curriculum Project with the District of Columbia Public Schools and the Consortium of Universities. She is also working with the National Science and Technology Education Partnership in Alexandria, Virginia. She has just completed her second book, SAT Made Easy,

Dr. Gardner played basketball, field hockey, and tennis in college and has also coached these sports at the college and the high school level. She formed, managed, and played keyboards in the band Eskape for twenty years and was the musical director of the Blue Ridge Alliance of Performing Arts. She has traveled around the world and lived for a year in Karachi, Pakistan and a year in Kampala, Uganda. She plans to continue traveling, teaching, and playing music and golf.

Mr. Gregory Martin

Mr. Gregory Martin


Mr. Gregory Martin is the GM of MGM Tutoring. Born in Hartford, Connecticut, he has lived in Fairfax County, Virginia for 20 years.  He graduated as a valedictorian from Centreville High School and completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics in December of 2005 from Georgetown University, Washington DC.

Mr. Martin has privately tutored over 600 students in mathematics during the past 9 years and founded MGM Tutoring with Lynn Gardner in September, 2002.  As an MGM Tutor, he tutors upper level high school mathematics courses, selected university-level mathematics courses, SAT preparation classes (Mr. Martin received a perfect score on the math portion of the SAT I as well as on the SAT II 2C math exam), GRE preparation classes, and all levels of German.  When not working directly with students, he spends a lot of time writing supplemental study materials.

In October 2005, Mr. Martin completed his study-workbook entitled Trigonometry: A Study Guide for Success, His current projects include development of a handbook for teachers with methods of designing math tests and worksheets on Microsoft Word as well as his second study-workbook, for AP Calculus.

Since June 2005, Mr. Martin has been serving as a mathematical consultant to the National Science and Technology Education Partnership (NSTEP). As of the Fall 2006, he is also serving as an Adjunct Professor to the University of Virginia, Northern Virginia Campus, and teaching math at Centreville High School, Fairfax County, Virginia.

Ms. Brandy Mahoney

Ms. Brandy Mahoney

Website Administrator

Ms. Mahoney is the wizard behind the MGM Tutoring curtain. She maintains and updates the website to keep it current and functional. Ms. Mahoney also talks Dr Gardner off the technology ledge if things go wonky.

She is a self taught button pusher and link clicker. Her day job is to raise young human beings into (hopefully) functional and upright citizens of society and she also volunteers in the community quite heavily as she never learned how to say “no” to anyone other than her offspring.

Ms. Mahoney was born in Guam and traveled the world as a military brat, living in such exotic places as New Zealand, Spain and Japan as well as all three US coasts. She currently resides in Northern Virginia with her significant other and has three beautiful children (one grown, two still growing), two cantankerous cats and two neurotic German Shepherds.

MGM Tutoring

MGM Tutoring