- All
Thank you for all the help you have given my students and me.
Our scores from the most recent round of testing were superb. One student went from 134 before your text to 174 afterward. This book is magnificent!
Dr. Bill Lawrence
Department of Education
Averett University
My son raised his score 200 points! Thank you so much!
Sheila Matner
Now I understand those weird made-up problems that I always used to skip!
Brianna Johnson
I was in a cold sweat the whole time I took the SAT the first time. After working with your book, I was much more calm (still a little sweaty) and it really paid off. My 680 on the math will now give me the total I need to get into UVA!
Scott Winters
Hello Dr. Gardner,
We have been using your book entitled “Core” Math Made Easy and have had amazing results. You have provided students with a tool that is going viral. We had a student in our program who attended sessions for about three years and could not seem to get the math concepts. She purchased your book on her own and passed her Praxis Core Math test with a 184. That speaks volumes and I felt I had to give credit where credit is due, which is to YOU. Many of our students are now desiring to purchase your book.
Thank you for taking the time to meet a need and providing a resource to help students conquer a hurdle on their academic journey. Again, thank you.
Dr. Deborah P. Williams
Assistant Director/Project Coordinator
Teacher PREP Student Support Services
Norfolk State University
We continue to use your wonderful book with great success. I require your Core Math Made Easy book for my online “Mathematics Skills for Teachers” Course. I also recommend your book to anyone who is getting ready to take the test. Thanks and I hope you continue to have much success with helping our students pass the tests!
Donna Hardy Watson, Ph. D.,
Dean School of Education
Bluefield College
I’m ordering more books because I cannot keep them in my office. Students find it so helpful, and I thank you for your fine work!
Dr. Jenny Martin
Department of Education
Bridgewater College
I have informed students that your book is available for purchase as I have been told by several of our students that it helped them pass the Core Math test. One student told me it raised her score by 40 points. Thank you again.
Peg Swisher
Certification Analyst Department of Education
Shepard University
I have suggested your website and book for several of our students who were struggling to pass the Praxis Core Math. I can say that those who purchased the book and studied it, were successful on their very next attempt of the Math Core exam. They are telling their peers about it!
Dr. Henrietta Wright, Ph.D.
Teacher Education and Professional
Development Morgan State University
Your book has helped many of our Education majors clear the hurdle of PRAXIS Core. We use your book and the practices tests extensively in preparing our students for the test with good success (I say good since too many of them unfortunately come to us with extremely poor math preparation).
Don Lawrimore
Assistant Professor
Department of Teacher Education
Newberry College
Newberry, South Carolina
You seriously changed my life. I passed this morning with a score of 160. That is a 38 point difference in 21 days! Amazing. I was becoming depressed and almost gave up prior to someone telling me about your book. Peru State College in Nebraska will be buying your book and I am going to tell anyone that will listen to buy your book. The 8 practice tests really helped me out too. If I can ever do anything to help you sell more of your books let me know. The long dark cloud has been removed from my life finally!
John McDonald
Thank you so much for this book, I am a speech pathology major and I was super frustrated when I figured out I would have to take the praxis core. The first two times I took the math part of the test I received a score of 142 and then a 144. I remember being so frustrated after I failed both times, I was nearly inconsolable. I heavily considered changing my major and giving up because I have always been terrible at math. I would recommend this book to everyone I have tried a lot of the other prep materials from other companies and nothing even comes close in comparison. Your book is by far the best thing out there. My third time taking the test I received a 198 almost a perfect score and it is all because of your book.
This book is no joke, and if all the lessons and practice tests are completed and reviewed I can almost guarantee anyone a passing score.
Cassidy H.
Dr. Gardner,
I am just writing to thank you SOOOO much for the time you dedicated into making this book. I just took the test and passed it with a 160!! This was my third time taking it and I too couldn’t believe how difficult this test was for education majors. Math has never been my strong suit and I struggled with this test until I found your website. My scores had been a 130 and a 146. I was hesitant to purchase it and now wish I would have purchased it before my first Praxis exam. I will be recommending this book to every education major I know!! This book is COMPLETELY the reason I passed. To anyone struggling with the Praxis Math Core reading these testimonials: Definitely purchase this book! Anyway, thank you so much Dr. Gardner. I can tell you are a wonderful professor just from the way this book was written!!
I am a student at Marymount University in Arlington, Virginia. Earlier this month I ordered your book Core Math Made Easy. After taking the Praxis Core Mathematics test twice this summer and not passing I decided to order your book. I completed the lessons and practice problems in the book through lesson four and completed one practice exam. Today I took the Praxis Core Mathematics test and passed! I would like to thank you for writing your book. I passed the test today and should be able to graduate next year as a teacher. Throughout my college years I have seen and heard of several students who have not been able to pass the Praxis and have dropped out of the education department or changed their major. Thanks once again!
I just wanted to pass along to you that with the help of your study guide I was able to successfully pass the Praxis Core Math test-5732. I am an English major and have never found much success with math. I had previously taken the Praxis Core Math test three times, and my confidence was at an all-time low. Not passing the Praxis multiple times was setting me back financially and was pushing my graduation further away. Dr. Gardner’s study guide is worth the money if you invest time into studying.”
Old Dominion University
Thank you so much for publishing this book! I am horrible at math and tests really are not my thing. I went over every lesson and took all the practice test (timing myself) and I passed on my first try with a 177. Practicing your material made me so confident taking the test. I just wanted to say thank you and I wish there was a book like this out there for reading and writing.
I just received my praxis core scores and I am writing to let you know that I PASSED!!!!!! I got a score of 192! Cannot be happier, and can’t thank you enough! I think all I needed was some great time-saving techniques and I got the confidence I needed to take the test and pass! Thank you so much Dr. Gardner!
I just wanted to send you an email and let you know how great your study guide for the praxis core math test was! Before I used your study guide, I had already taken the math portion of the praxis two times. My score at that time was a 120. After using your study guide and studying all the sections and doing the quizzes, I felt so much more confident in taking the test. When I took the test, I knew the majority of the answers to the questions. The third time I took the test, my score was a 150, which is what is needed to pass the test! I went from a 124 to a 150 in one test all thanks to your study guide! I just wanted to send you an email and personally thank you for making that study guide. I strongly believe it’s the reason that I passed the test and am so thankful for it!
I love the book. I took the test before seeing your book was available and failed by 8 points. I was very frustrated with the official practice test because it just didn’t cover a lot that was on the test, and it was just hard in general to find preparation materials. I just took it again and my score went from a 142 to a 192, and it was completely due to your book! You saved me!
Thank you so much! I just wanted to let you know that I used your Core Math Made Easy book and I passed the test… I am so excited to finally pass.
I just checked online to see that my Praxis Core Math results is in for the test I took. I passed so well. I am very excited. Dr. Gardner, May God richly bless you for your time, commitment and dedication. Thank you so much
I am really enjoying the Praxis workbook. I am currently a teaching assistant who never thought she would discover a love for teaching at the ripe old age of 53. I all but threw my math skills to the wind and am now working like crazy to get it all back. So, I just want to say thank you for your work!
I just wanted to thank you for creating this workbook and let you know I passed! I’m an English instructor at a university and have decided to pursue a MAT. I have never been great at math and missed the math requirement in my state by a point. I bought your packet, and ten days later picked up nine points on the test!
Lynn, you are a saint!!! The first time I took the Praxis math (without your book) I scored a 114, the second time I took it – 110. Then I bought a copy of your book and studied it for about a month, and my score is now a whopping 176 and I passed!!! I am SOOO glad that you created this book and I’m very glad I stumbled upon it!
Angel Barger
Hello my name is Stephanie Creevey and I had purchased your Praxis Core Math 5733 book to study for my exam. I just wanted to let you know that your book is amazing!! I passed my exam with 156 when I need 142!
The material in the book is straight to the point and makes learning math more enjoyable. I’ve been searching for study guides and never found the right one until I came across your book. It was the best choice I have made. Thank you so much for creating this book and helping me understand math. I feel so confident while taking the exam and still had plenty of time to review all of my questions! Again your book is AMAZING!!
Stephanie Creevey
Hello, my name is Denise James. I am sending you this email to first say thank you. I have studied your materials for five months. The reason is due to COVID- 19 the test centers constantly had to reschedule my exam. I guess God was giving me extra days and time to study. The good news I have passed my exam.
My score was 178. I want to thank you for the help because I almost gave
up. Please keep doing what you are doing to help future teachers who dream to teach and mentor young children. Every question you had in your book was really similar to the questions on the actual exam. Again, thank you so much and God Bless.
Denise James
Just wanted to say thank you for creating this book. Only had a few weeks to prepare being the first time I didn’t pass and this book raised my score 20 points helping me pass! I will tell everyone that’s struggling with this test to buy this book. Thanks again!
Joseph Ruzicka
I just want to thank you SO much for creating the Core Math Made Easy study guide for the Praxis! I am pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education with a specialization in pre-k and kindergarten. I passed the Reading and Writing sections of the Praxis I the first time I took it, but I struggled so much with the Math. After failing it six times, I was ready to give up. The sixth time I took it, I got a 148 but needed 150 to pass. A couple months ago, a girl who was tutoring me told me she had purchased the PDF of your study guides and practice tests for 5733, and they helped more than any test prep I had ever used in the past. I took it again and ended up passing with a 190!!! Thank you for your help!
I am reaching out to you to thank you for helping me pass the math core 5733. Math has always been a struggle for me and I’ve taken this test before they’ve changed it several times. In the past I have scored a 129 and a 134. Your manual has greatly helped me prepare for this test. I scored 162 which is a passing score.
Thank you! Thank you!
Monica Bagan
I am emailing to inform you of the GOOD NEWS!!!! I finally passed CORE Math thanks to your help!!! After taking the test 4 times already!!!!… Finding your book was a blessing! Wished I had surfed the internet $400 ago and found your book. But it’s all in the past now. I stayed around the 130 score average before (134, 128, 130, 134), but after your book I did not only pass, but I nailed it. Get ready for this score…194!!!!! I couldn’t believe my eyes…had to wait weeks for the results because after I finished my score was N/S (not scored) and needed further analysis… so I knew then I must have done well, but didn’t realize I had done so good! As I mentioned in an email before the test, I felt confident and was
ready. Your reassurance of having taken the test is where my confidence came from and not that I was just studying another book and HOPING and not knowing for sure if the information I was studying would actually be on the test (which most of it was not)! I have taken 2 workshops and neither was of any help! I can’t say thank you enough! I’m for sure writing this review on your website! Thanks again!!!!
Candy Ulmer from Mississippi
I passed- FINALLY!!
160! Thank you so much. I’ve used several resources, but yours is the one that really got me on the track of understanding different math concepts.
Just writing to let you know that I took the 5733 test on Nov. 2nd and got a 174 on it (which happens to be the minimum score needed to get into the TTT program at Spalding where I am thinking about applying). Awesome book. It helped me immensely. Thanks for making it.
I just want to let you know that I have finally passed the Praxis Math Core (5733). I had taken it this summer and failed miserably! I have purchased many study guides including the ETS study guide but none of them were close to being as helpful as yours. However, this time around on November 12, 2019, I took the exam again and I felt so confident and kept telling myself that I had to write to you to give you a million thanks!!!!
I studied every single page and took the exams as if it were the real test. When I meet new people who will be taking the same exam I will recommend your study guide. Thank you!You have made this mom to a two year old who works full time 40 hours a week be sooo much closer to becoming a certified teacher!!
A very thankful teacher to be,
I got a 184! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Your book is a life saver!
Tina McBride
I just wanted to email you and thank you so much for your Core Math Made Easy book. I took the Core Math test 2 different times and finally passed this morning. I could not have done it without you!
I would just like to thank you so much for creating this book. I took the Core Math exam for the first time and received a 192/200! I have used other study guides before yours, but I wasn’t confident that I would get a passing grade. By chance, I saw your book mentioned on a forum and then I read all the great reviews on the site. I took the chance and so glad that I did. Thank you so much!
I don’t think I could ever express enough gratitude towards you and all that you do to help those of us who struggle in math, especially when it comes to standardizing tests. I took the Praxis Math 5732 a total of 6 times and unfortunately stayed within the 140’s range. Today, with the help of Math Made Easy, I passed my Praxis Math 5733 with a 182!!! I went in feeling confident and like I’d pass, but I
definitely wasn’t expecting that score! Thank you for helping me to pass!Now onto the Elementary Math 5003…I know I can do this!
I got 8 questions wrong and I passed with a 184 on my very first time taking the test. Your book is amazing and I am so grateful that I found it in time!
I just wanted to share an update with you regarding the Praxis test. After working every problem in your study guide I was able to pass the new math praxis test.
Thank you very much for his most needed information.
LaTesha Burroughs
My name is Hailey and I am a Liberty Alumni. A few weeks ago I purchased your study prep for the mathematics section of the Core and I wanted to write to you and thank you, because I passed! I have been struggling with this exam, and your prep was extremely helpful!
Thank you again!
Hailey Wunder
I know my daughter already wrote and thanked you for your book but I want to thank you myself. So far it has taken her 13 tries to pass five of the seven required Praxis tests. The first time she took the math core she failed by 15 points. The second time she took the math core she failed by 30 points and was completely discouraged. She was going to have to relearn a lot of information and it seemed impossible, until someone recommended your book. After studying from your book her score improved by 32 points which gave her a passing score. So far it has been an exhausting year and a half of testing. So many times she wanted to give up but persevered. She has 2 tests to go (reading and writing core) but faith in herself thanks to you. This is my baby girl with a dream to have her own classroom and a desire to change the lives of children. She’s going to get there and she’s going to be an amazing teacher. And YOU are partly responsible for her success. Think of it this way every little life she touches, every child she loves for the next 40 yrs will have been loved by you. So thank you for the work you did and the time you put into MY child’s future. I’m very grateful.
Susan Wunder
I took Math 5003 today and got a perfect score! Wow! Used your entire book. I think you fully covered everything!!! I did all lessons, practice problems and tests. This was the only math resource I used.
Kim Felton-Canfield
Hello, just wanted to say thank you so so much for the study guides. Last time I took the Math 5003 I got a 145 and I just passed with a 181. Also I used the others for the praxis math core and I took it 5 times and passed the 6th time after finally getting your study guides. They were seriously a life saver. Thanks so much!
I was introduced to Dr. Gardner’s books, after multiple failed attempts to pass PRAXIS core. Her “PRAXIS Core Made Easy” helped me pass my test with an 170. Therefore, I didn’t hesitate to buy the “Math 5003 Made Easy”. This book helped me pass my PRAXIS II, the first time, with an 180! Both books live up to their names and makes each content area easy. In addition, each area comes with a practice test. Furthermore, she gives you five practice test, which includes all of the material. As you can see, I could go on and on about these books. These books are well worth the investment if you want to pass your test the first time!
Alisha F.
I took subtest Math 5003 today and scored a 200!! Thank you so much for this book. You’ve made math so much easier to understand now that I went through your book. I woke up and said today VICTORY would be mine and lo and behold!!! I can consider myself good at math now because of your book.. And I can finally say, ” I LOVE MATH”. I couldn’t do it without having your study guide. Studied once I purchased it and I did well thanks to you!! You deserve an award….
Ania Branch
I just wanted to send you a quick message, and a thank you for your study guide you created for the Praxis – Math 5003. This was the only section of the Praxis I really struggled with finding a study guide that really covered the materials I needed to know. I live in Colorado and needed a 157 to pass, the test I took prior to purchasing your study guide, I made a 155, I took the Praxis yesterday and made a 181! I honestly cannot thank you enough for making such a wonderful, easy to follow study guide! I will be telling all of my friends to purchase your study guide in the future! I was offered a job to teach Kindergarten in the fall, but needed to pass the math portion before they could issue my contract. I wish I could give you a big hug, because honestly thanks to you and your study guide, I will now have my dream job teaching Kindergartners in the fall. Have a wonderful summer, and happy 4th of July to you and your family! Thanks again!
Mallory Banks
I wanted to say thank you for your book!! I took Praxis 5003 this past Saturday and I PASSED!!! I have been telling everyone about your books that have been struggling with the math parts. Everyone that I have told and they have gotten the book has passed!! Your book is the only book needed when studying for the math praxis!! I will continue to tell everyone about your books!!
Angela Jenkins
After purchasing your electronic book for praxis 5003 Math in July and going through all the material I took the praxis this morning and score on the screen said 165. Thank you Thank you. I am telling all that I know who needs help about your book.
I am forever grateful to you for writing your amazing math book. I finally passed the praxis II math test on my 4th attempt. I increased my score from 125 to 168!! This is due to buying your book!! (And a lot of prayers to the lord above.) Thank you, thank you, thank you.
With sincere thanks and gratitude,
Deborah Bauer
I am writing this testimonial because I have just purchased your book Math 5003 Made Easy. A few days ago, I took the Math portion of the Content Exams (5003) and made a 155. I need a 157 to pass. I know it was only two points, but I was still discouraged none the less. I began searching the internet the very next day with the hope that I would find a study guide written by you because I had faced a similar situation when taking the Praxis I Math exam. I had taken the Praxis I exam several times and was still not able to pass. I found you on Google and your study guide was THE best study guide I had ever used (and I had used several). After going through each tutorial, my final score increased by 30 points which put me well above passing! I knew if I could find you again, I would pass my next test with flying colors as well.
Math 5003 Made Easy is everything that I knew it would be and more! This book has given me back the confidence that I had before. You have taught me how to think about the problems and solve them quickly and efficiently. I knew when I received the score for my first attempt of the Math 5003 exam that speed was my main concern but no other study guide addresses this issue. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for skillfully explaining how to solve each type of problem on the test and for covering all of the areas of Math that students are tested in. I now know that I have the exact tool that I need to not only pass the Math 5003 exam, but to perform even better than I ever have before in Math! I will be retesting in a couple of weeks and I cannot wait to share my results with you!
Lynn Haynes
Elementary Education Student
South Carolina
Hi Dr. Gardner,
I just wanted to say that I used your Math 5003 book to study and I passed it!! I also used your Core Math Made Easy and passed that test as well. I am finally on my way to becoming a certified teacher. Thank you for all that you do. You really did make the test easy to understand and pass.
I just wanted to let you know that I took the Math 5003 this morning and I needed a 157. The previous time I took the exam, I scored a 155. After using your study materials, I earned a 192 on this next test!!!!!
Thank you!!! Thank you!!!! Thank you!!!
Lynn Haynes
Elementary Education
I just had to let you know that my daughter passed Praxis 5003 (MATH) using your study book. She had previously invested in other study books, which did not come close to yours for preparation for the test.
Thank God and again thank you.
I used your book to help me prepare for the math part of praxis ii- this was the only part that I had left to pass; math is NOT easy for me – I took the exam this morning and I passed!! I am now a senior and will be able to start my residency in the fall!
Thank you so much for this helpful study book!
G. Collins
I wanted to send you an email because I bought your Praxis 5003 made easy book about four weeks ago when I did not pass my Praxis 5003 math portion. It was the last portion and I wanted to pass so badly. As a child I had a history of being so bad at math that I was put in Title class. My first score was a 155 on the Praxis math and I felt terrible. After reading the reviews for your books, I bought the 5003 math made easy and studied every section. I finally took the test again 21 days after the first try and ended up getting a 175!! I am so happy, relieved and thankful to you! You are truly a blessing and you had a way of teaching me math which I have never been able to catch onto before. I wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope that one day I can be half the teacher yu are! Much respect and thanks!
Deserea Morse
I wanted to share that I PASSED the 5003 test. The passing score in NJ is 157, and I got a 186! Your books make it so easy to understand the math problems.
Thanks again!!
I took the 5003 test Monday and just received my score: 198! Thank you for making a wonderful study guide that no doubt helped me pass with ease.
Kathryn Green
I purchased your Math 5003 Made Easy this past summer and recently passed the test! Thanks you so much! The information that you provided was EXTREMELY helpful. That was amazing to me! Thank you so much for such a helpful Math 5003 Made Easy Study Guide!
Katheleen Arceneaux
i took my math 5003 exam today and guess what – i passed it with the highest marks 183 it is all because of your book you are meant to be an angel for me i took it 4th time today and it felt it if i could find your book before it could pass it in my first attempt. I can’t Thank you enough for what your book has done to me the exam was 100 percent similar to your book and practice questions. Please accept a Big and Humble Thanks from my side. May God make things as easy for you as you make for other people there is no race or religion superior in his eye more than the Humanity. And you one of the example of that. I cannot express what i am felling right now i hope i would justify with my words. Once again a Big Thank You. May God be with you in all Thick or Thin.
Thanks a lot.
zainab mir
I am writing to you to say thank you so much for making this book. I took the praxis math 5003 three times and failed them each time by a few points. I thought I was never going to pass. I had purchased the study materials from the ets website which I didn’t find very helpful. I found your book and purchased it immediately. I studied everything that was in your book, and after my 4th attempt I passed with a score of 197! I couldn’t believe it. I feel that I am so much better at math now after going through your book. Thanks to you I am now able to start my student teaching in the spring semester. I am going to recommend this book to everyone I know!
Kristi Besanceney
I PASSED the Praxis 5003!!!! Your materials were spot on and helped me tremendously. Thank you so much!!!
Nelida Agosto
I can’t thank you enough for this product! At first while working through the lessons, I was a little skeptical I was making progress. By the time I made it to the sample test, I was flying through it like a champ! I couldn’t believe it! I am not one to enjoy math and here I was UNDERSTANDING how to do surface area and word problems that would normally make my brain feel like exploding. The first time I took Praxis 5001, I passed everything but math. I needed a 157 and I made a 151 and this had to be passed for me to student teach. I studied relentlessly for a week and yesterday I passed 5003 with a 185! Thank you so much, I am so grateful for this resource!
Raven Little